torsdag 31. desember 2009

Happy New Year Swim!

Todays workout was inspired by HillaryBiscay, thougest IronChick out there. She uses this as a birthday set to herself and everyone else around here it seems. so it just had to be done. In late 90`s my club BK had a tradition of swimming 10.000 meters new year morning. So the now growing triathlon part (me!) of the club decided it was time to take it up again. Inspired by ms Biscay!
Program was like this, taken from Hillary`s blog: (except start times, they will make her laugh:-)
10x100 warm up (75free, 25back)
20x100 swim @ 1.55
20x100 swim hard @ 1.55
40x100 pull w/paddles and bouy @ 1.45
10x100 swim (25sprint,75easy)

5 of us started the show, 1 triathlete (me!) and 4 swimmers. Swimmers set out on starttime 1.45 from the gun. 2 of them blew big time after 40, and DNF`ed after 50:-)

We had booked the pool from 7am to 10am. It was pretty clear early I needed more time. Actually found the 100`s from 30 to 50 the hardest. It felt I was way over my head. But starting the pull set it all went buy fast. Had 90 in my belt after 3h, and the staff said the 3 of us still swimming could finish. So we did, in 3h 20min. The to youngsters og 13 and 15 yrs finished impressive 300m in front of me. Well done!
This was my longest swim ever. Previous record was 8000m. So going into 2010 optimistic. 3800m in the Hardanger fjord will be a sprint after this!
Thanks Hillary! And happy new year everybody!


3 finishers
Essential gear

mandag 7. desember 2009

OK week ended with Big trainer day

Week 49 2009 is in the books. A good training week that looked somewhat like this:

Monday: 40min morning run on treadmill + 1h master swim with 3x10x50 @ 55sec. Puked when finished
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: 1h 15min with LT intervalls on spin bike + 30min brick treadmill run with 3x5min LT intervalls on 6% elevation.
Thursday: 1h master swim with 11x200pull @ 3.10
Friday: Early (0530) 1h trainer ride with 5x6min LT intervalls.
Saturday: 1h 20min master swim
Sunday: 3h trainer ride like this:
Hour One - warming up15 minute warm up (180 watts)
15 minute Single Leg Drill (1 minute left leg, 1 minute right leg, 1 minute both, repeat)
15 minute steady riding (180 watts)15 minute tempo riding (200 watts)
Hour Two - big gear, low cadence work4x (10 minutes of big ring, low cadence, 5 minute recovery)
Hour Three - 2x through:(1 minute easy, 1 minute hard, 2 minutes easy, 2 minutes hard, 3 minutes easy, 3 minutes hard, 4 minutes easy, 4 minutes hard, 5 minutes easy, 5 minutes hard).

Have also worked a bit on our team this week. We are getting closer to something, and hope to present a BK Elite Team for 2010 and 2011. Hopefully everything is in place before we enter 2010.

Train safe!